Flowers bring me joy and lift my heart.
The first ones I remember growing were nasturtiums, which spread and ran along the edges of our garden and over the grass bank into the field beyond.
They covered the radishes and parsley in my tiny plot with their cheerful and enthusiastic orange flowers.
Before that, like most children, I picked posies of wildflowers from the hedgerow.
I recently discovered an old notebook of pressed flowers I had kept and labelled: jack in the hedge, wild strawberry and honesty amongst the faded flattened blooms.
Now as a kinesiologist and healer, I use flower essences to support myself and my clients.
They are quietly effective and bring gentle support and repair to match our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
The first flower essences I used were the Bach flowers.
Many people know of Rescue Remedy – a mixture of five of Bach’s flowers
Cherry plum ~ for balance and calm, rational thought and action
Clematis ~ to be engaged and alert
Impatiens ~ for patience and inner calm
Rock Rose ~ for courage, composure and presence of mind
Star of Bethlehem ~ for comfort after shock: even that which was experienced many years ago.
There are 38 flower remedies which were created by Edward Bach in the early 1900s.
Mr Bach believed that healing negative emotions helps the body heal itself.
My experience is that there are no negative emotions, but there are emotions that are held within in us which are stuck.
They lack the ability to move on, and hold us in a loop, rather than allowing flow and even flowering into our greater promise.
In effect, we can be held in stasis: in a seed or bud form. Frozen in a trauma state of shock, fear, sadness or loneliness.
A flower essence can unlock this emotional block and bring us ease to expand.
When using Kinesiology to test, we may blind test the essence – placing random bottles (one at a time) on the client to see which one strengthens the issue/pain that the body has presented with.
It is always amazing what each essence reveals as an underlying cause; and how the essence itself, when taken, eases and releases pain, both physical and emotional.
I have added to my healing ‘garden’ the essences of: Australian Bush Flowers, Lightbringer essences, Alaskan flowers and have made two Rose essences of my own.
But it is in the gardens, wild meadows and all around us that the magic of flowers – in their colours, forms, scents and glorious varieties that we find the magical healing alchemy of flowers.
Their blooms restore, uplift and bring joy to each and every one of us.